It's not just me that needs to lose weight. Ever since Loki was born, our place has been accumulating junk like its some kind of satellite toy depot for Amazon. There just seems no end to the stuff that ends up in our flat - ostensibly targeted for Loki, but the sheer volume means that even he can't keep up with all his stuff.
What I'm saying is . . . our flat needs to go on a diet too.
Some might construe that last panel offensive. But let's be clear - I am not advocating hitting gypsies with sticks. It's not real. None of what I write is real.
Except. Well, except the bits that are.
But you don't know which bits are real and which bits aren't so there's the get out. If you find it offensive, let's just say I'm probably going to respond that it's not real.
By the way, when Iu saw this cartoon her reaction wasn't 'don't be mean about gypsies - why have you cast my family as racists?' No, her reaction was 'you dressed me as an old woman from the country side. God.'
it is not real